You are invited to be a part of our special community. This website is a public social network built on the foundation to help save pets’ lives and for members to share experiences and knowledge with each other.
We want to extend a warm paw out to you and thank you for being here! If it weren’t for your voices and actions, more lives would be lost. If it weren’t for our sharing how special it is to have pets in our lives, no hearts will be changed.
Be one of the first to post!
We are currently molding the website to fit the best for the needs of us and pets. Changes may be made as more members join and post. Growth is good! We want all to find this a home away from home and a safe place to save lives, rescuing pets who rescue us!
* Blog * Groups * Activity * Posts *
Shelter, Rescue, Lost & Found
Feel free to post a pet who needs a family. You may have up to three photos. Posts are good for 30 days.
Join A Group
Between interest groups, blog posts, and the activity page between your friendships, there will always be something to comment and post on. Your opinions and experience count!
Social Site to share & wag!
We’re different than those who don’t allow pets on their sofa or kiss mushy horse lips and blabber beaks! We “get” each other. Let’s spread our love and make this normal!
You are loved!
You are one of the lucky ones. You are here because you’ve experienced the love of a pet. You’re OUR kind of people! Through the eyes of a pet, a person is as perfect as possible. Unconditional love. Pass it on…. we all need love to WAG!
From the Admin
Why We Needed this Site
"Pets are NOT property, and until people start believing that and politicians join the force to change this, BLS (Breed Specific Legislature) and Shelter Pet Killings will continue. I will still dream that in my lifetime this will change, but until then, it's up to all of us to spread the healthy alternatives to eliminate the horrible deaths of innocent pets. This dilemma IS human error and CREATED by humans. Humans can change this. I'm not giving up. Are you?"
In 2005, I created US ANIMAL RESCUE site and had over 4000 rescues join to network. In 2008, when FB got popular, I closed down my site and moved everyone there to thrive. Today, this site is created as FB is taking down pet posts and punishing users. Your shelter posts will NOT be removed here. KEEP POSTING! YOU MATTER!
Networkers, Shelter Staff, & Licensed Rescues
We want to offer you your own group if you wish to post for others to follow you. Please let us know and we will set you up! Here is the form. If you are well-known and have a following on Facebook, it will be easier for us to verify. If not, we will have to have proof that this is what you do, and are in good standings with the public and those being saved by you.
- Grow with us and get your name out there
- Connect with other networkers
- Put call-outs to potential fosters
- Share your integrity and faithfulness to pets
- It's all free... and create it the way you want